Learners in Coassemble are users in your workspace who have been enrolled to study a course.
GET /api/v1/students
GET /api/v1/students/simple
GET /api/v1/students/{id}
GET /api/v1/students/{id}/courses
GET /api/v1/students/{id}/cards
GET /api/v1/student/cards/counts
Get learners
GET /api/v1/students
Returns a list of all the learners in your workspace. The learners are returned sorted by Name in ascending order. Filter learners using the query parameters listed in the table.
Query parameters
Field | Type | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
search | string | Search by name. | No | "" | N/A |
page | string | Which page of items to display, starting with zero | No | "0" | \d+ |
length | string | Number of items per page (0 - 100) | No | "10" | \d+ |
reverse | string | Reverse sort. | No | "false" | N/A |
active | string | Filter to active or inactive users. | No | "" | N/A |
deleted | string | Return users with deleted credentials | No | "" | N/A |
Code | Description |
200 | Returned when successful |
Get learners (simple)
GET /api/v1/students/simple
Returns a simple list of all the learners in your workspace that excludes their status. The learners are returned sorted by Name in ascending order. Filter learners using the query parameters listed in the table.
Query parameters
Field | Type | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
search | string | Search by name. | No | "" | N/A |
page | string | Which page of items to display, starting with zero | No | "0" | \d+ |
length | string | Number of items per page (0 - 100) | No | "10" | \d+ |
reverse | string | Reverse sort. | No | "false" | N/A |
Code | Description |
200 | Returned when successful |
Search for a learner
GET /api/v1/students/{id}
Returns a single learner using their User ID.
Path variables
Field | Description |
user | User ID. |
id |
Code | Description |
200 | Returned when successful |
Get courses for a learner
GET /api/v1/students/{id}/courses
Returns a list of all the courses a specific learner has been enrolled in.
Path variables
Field | Description |
student | User ID. |
id |
Code | Description |
200 | Returned when successful |
Get courses and progress for a learner
GET /api/v1/students/{id}/cards
Returns a list of all the courses a specific learner has been enrolled in, including their progress status. E.g. Commenced, Completed.
Path variables
Field | Description |
student | User ID. |
id |
Query parameters
Field | Type | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page | string | Which page of items to display, starting with zero | No | "0" | N/A |
length | string | Items per page (0-100) | No | "20" | N/A |
search | string | Search by course or student | No | "" | N/A |
status | string | Filter courses based on how much work the student has done on them. | No | "any" | any|uncommenced|commenced|completed |
sort | string | Sort by | No | "enrolled" | N/A |
starredOnly | string | No | "false" | N/A |
Code | Description |
200 | Returned when successful |
Get course status and count
GET /api/v1/student/cards/counts
Returns a count of the courses a learner has been enrolled in, and the course status. E.g. To do, In progress, Completed.