Get learner results for your courses.
Get results
GET /api/v1/results
Returns a list of course results.
Query parameters
Field | Type | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
user | string | User ID | No | null | \d+ |
group | string | Group ID | No | null | \d+ |
course | string | Course ID | No | null | \d+ |
dateFilter | string | Date filter | No | "completed" | (completed|commenced|updated) |
start | string | From date | No | null | N/A |
end | string | until date | No | null | N/A |
commenced | string | Commenced only | No | null | N/A |
completed | string | Completed only | No | null | N/A |
passed | string | Pass/Fail only | No | null | N/A |
search | string | Search by Group name | No | "" | [\w\-\s]+ |
sort | string | Sort by | No | "updated" | (user.firstname|user.lastname||course.code|course.title|updated|commenced|completed) |
reverse | string | Should sort order be reversed | No | "false" | N/A |
page | string | Which page of items to display, starting with zero | No | "0" | \d+ |
length | string | Items per page (0-100) | No | "10" | \d+ |
Code | Description |
200 | Returned when successful |
Get module results
GET /api/v1/module/results
Returns a list of module results.
Query parameters
Field | Type | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
user | string | User ID | No | null | \d+ |
group | string | Group ID | No | null | \d+ |
course | string | Course ID | No | null | \d+ |
resource | string | Lesson/Quiz/etc ID | No | null | \d+ |
commenced | string | Commenced only | No | null | 0|1 |
completed | string | Completed only | No | null | 0|1 |
passed | string | Pass/Fail only | No | null | N/A |
page | string | Which page of items to display, starting with zero | No | "0" | \d+ |
length | string | Items per page (0-100) | No | "10" | \d+ |
Code | Description |
200 | Returned when successful |