
Course completed

The Course completed webhook is called when a learner has completed every required module in a course.


    "id": 173512,
    "commenced": "2017-02-08T10:30:27+11:00",
    "completed": "2017-02-08T10:30:27+11:00",
    "passed": true,
    "progress_percent": 100,
    "report_url": "https://yourdomain.coassemble.com/rest/builder/reports/course...",
    "score": {
        "max": 100,
        "min": 0,
        "raw": 95,
        "percentage": 95
    "score_percent": 95,
    "student_name": "Sally Student",
    "total_time": 12000,
    "group": {
        "id": 3415,
        "name": "Sydney"
    "course": {
        "code": "HTD",
        "id": 6618,
        "title": "How to train a dragon"
    "user": {
        "username": "sally_student",
        "firstname": "Sally",
        "lastname": "Student",
        "avatar": "url.png",
        "active": true,
        "timezone": "Australia/Sydney",
        "id": 3645888

Completion return URL

Optionally, your API may return a JSON object with additional info. For a Course completed webhook, you may return a return_url that the student will be directed to when they have completed the course.

When the student has completed the course, they will see this message, which will take them to the return url, or back to the Coassemble dashboard if none is provided.

Course completed screen